Monday 13 June 2011


1. How to incorporate an aspx page into SharePoint Site ?

2. How come sharepoint site knows that this page is residing under a specific folder of Layouts Folder ?  Lets say I have multiple site collections and I don't want all of them to refer to this page so WHERE IS THE MAPPING STORED (HOW SHAREPOINT SITE WILL COME TO KNOW ABOUT EXACT LOCATION OF THIS ASPX PAGE AND THEN DISPLAY THIS PAGE INTO SITE)

3. I do have a SharePoint Server running and a web application - Accidently my server went down and I can't really login into the server but still I want to backup my web application  provided that SQL Instance has Content Database for my web application. Can I back up the web application / site collection /  site with the help of these backup files mdf / mds (SQL Database backup files)

4. Difference between Site Pages and Application Pages ? Get the concepts very clear about these types of pages as question may be asked on Customization of An Application Page makes it Site Page and then it will be stored in Content Database which then in turn will pe pulled by SPVirtualPathProvider.

5. Difference between Configuration Database and Content Database ?

6. Have you done the SharePoint Installation ? what kind of things are asked during Installation of SharePoint ?

7. Which activities you often performed from Central Administration ?

8. There is a SharePoint Site running for my company which asks and stores Share Details of each employee and retrieve the same upon his / her own login. Now my requirement is when someone logs in - he / she should not be able to see the details of other employee. How to achieve this ?

9. I have a web service which takes up the date as a parameter. Based on the date entered it gives all the happenings records for that particular date. Now, I need to show this result in my SharePoint Site. What steps you will follow to achieve this ?

10. Inline to Question # 9, how i can achieve only particular users to retreive the data from web service ? Means, Web Services are secure, so how authentication is done in Web Service Call ?

11. Authentication handled at IIS Level : Significance of Allow Anyonymous Access? What would happen if Allow Anonymous access = true and Impersonation = true ?

12. Significance of Shared Services ? (SSP)

13. When to use SharePoint WebPart Class and not the System.Web.UI.WebControl.WebPart Class ?

14. I'm creating items in a list, now without coding how can i hide first 5 items for first user and showing the remaining ones. Similarly, how can i show the first 5 items to second user and hiding the remaining ones ?

15. New Features in MOSS 2010 and SPD 2010 ?

16. Difference between SPD 2007 and 2010 versions ?

17. How To - Javascripting in SPD's Task Edit Forms ?

18. CAML Query : Which is faster and optimized (getting an item by GetListItemById or by CAML Query) ? Why ?

19. Site template and Site Definition : Suppose a client needs large number of customizations in a site then what is preferred ? Site Definition or Site Template ? Why ?

20. Under which Credentials Web Parts are running ?

21. What all the good coding practises followed while programming the SharePoint Web Parts ? (SharePoint Object Disposal, etc.)

22. What are 6 basic building blocks of MOSS 2007 and how are they customized in SharePoint 2010 ?

23. SharePoint Page Life Cycle ? Typical SharePoint Page Structure (Different areas in it) ?

24. What is a Feature ? Can it be implemented only by using only feature.xml ?

25. Event Handlers in SharePoint ? Types ? How to cancel events programmatically ?

26. What are the different ways to bind item event receivers to a particular SharePoint List ?

27. What is the significance behind this hierarchy : SPFarm -> SPWebApplication -> SPSite -> SPWeb ?

28. Different in-built User Permissions ? How to build our own custom set of permissions which contains permissions at discrete levels like - can access or change list views, etc.

29. Personalization in Web Part ?

30. What is Page Layout ? Steps to create custom page layout ?

31. How to create customized web part page template ?

32. How to create -> deploy -> load webparts into SharePoint Site ?

33. Explain in Brief - List Templates.

34. How to configure a Farm to enable searching ability for all site collections within it ? How many instances of a SSP runs per Farm ?

35. Are Content Databases per Web Application / Site Collection basis ?

36. Difference between site.RootWeb and site.OpenWeb ?

37. How To - Integrate Infopath form services with the SharePoint Server ?

38. Explain in Brief - BDC Architecture and associated web parts.

39. Impersonation in SharePoint Designer Workflows ?

40. Difference between BDC and BCS ?

41. Difference between allowUnsafeUpdates and RunWithElevatedPrivileges ?

42. I've resumes, containing name, contact address, contact number, etc. and in order to store these
    what should I go for ? A list or document library ? Answer with reasons.

43. Inline to question # 42, how to write important information in resumes such as name, contact number, etc. to the site column or vice versa.

44. What are Managed Metadata Properties ?

45. What are Sandboxed Solutions in SharePoint 2010 ? Their Significance ?

46. Significance of Reusable Workflows ?

47. Limitations of Sandboxed Solutions.

48. Basic Difference between a SharePoint List and Document Library ?

49. Explain - Developer Dashboard in SharePoint 2010

50. Can we attach a document to Document Library Items ? Can we attach multiple documents to single list item ? Similarly, can we attach multiple documents to single Document Library Item ?

51. I have two SharePoint Lists "Customer" and "Orders". I want to fetch data from both the lists using CAML and then join these result tables into single table. How to join these result table ?

52. How to implement a web part property of nature "Drop Dow" and what are different attributes for the web property ?

53. What are ToolPart and EditorPart in SharePoint Web Part ?

54. What all SPD 2007 workflow files need to be modified in order to make them working on SharePoint 2010 Designer ?

55. How to hide Site Columns / Custom Fields as per User's Privileges.

56. Searching, Crawling and Indexing..
57. Different Search Scopes and Crawling Specific Contents, creating specific crawling rules
58. Different Scopes when firing SPSiteDataQuery !
59. Part of SQL specifically used by SharePoint - like Custom Content Databases, views, triggers
60. Defining our own urls - url -- something
61. using sharepoint list querying service - how to use lists.asmx and authenticating the same
62. Custom SharePoint application pages - giving access to these secured pages - for example - custom login.aspx pages
63. Breaking the SharePoint Security using SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges to query the data from a secured list and showing it up in custom web part - or using User Impersonation !
64. Forms Based Authentication
65. Difference between Feature Stapling and Event Handlers
66. how to retrieve / access a custom application page which is actually secured just by hitting its url in the browser ?
67. what are different out of the box web parts commonly used - content editor, content query web part
68. what are the steps in order to implement Page Layouts ?
69. Managing different terms in terms sets  - according to user privileges !
70. About Managed Metadata - Import --- ??
71. How to query list data between two different web sites - two different site collection and web application
72. why the web parts in 2010 are called as Visual Web Parts - because unlike in sharepoint 2007, they are directly linked with ascx control while designing  them in Visual Studio

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